Tag Archives: Siân Williams

Cafe Chaos, Theatre Review. Unity Theatre, Liverpool.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * * *

Cast: Joanna Croll, Jamie Matthewman, Sam Parks, Sian Williams.

The humble cafe is the place where you get to meet the finest array of characters, all with their own peculiar stories of loves and their lives. It is the place where people meet and confess their deepest thoughts and fears and those that really run the establishments, the waiters and the chefs act as father or mother confessors to anyone who may pop in for a routine cup of tea and to tell someone their news. Such is Cafe Chaos; such is the scale of life.

Cafe Chaos To Provide Great Comedy At The Unity Theatre.

Comic confusion spills from the kitchen, waiters and diners collide, lovers meet, identities are traded, secrets uncovered, denial and betrayal tear friendships apart; dangerous comedy and a tragic night out are just some of the specials on the menu at Café Chaos.

 Conceived and directed by Siân Williams and Michael Merwitzer, designed by Jenny Carey and with a scenario by Roger Farrell, the multi-talented cast of Café Chaos conjure a night of physical and verbal extravagance.