Tag Archives: Rosenblume

Rosenblume, Rosenblume. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision 9/10

It seems that there are names that circle the arts world for such a long time that the listener, the watcher of all things that have beauty attached to their soul, becomes attached to their output, gets used to the smile of groove that comes their way, and, certainly in the case of local music where you might have had the privilege of attending a moment in time where they graced the stage and delivered early musings and collected passions to come, it can come as a shock when you realise just how great they have been and have yet to deliver that debut album which you have been keenly waiting for.

Rosenblume, Gig Review. Music Room, Liverpool.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 9/10

All through the fire we search for the ones that can ease our soul, that will lift our spirits in times when the winter dark threatens to overwhelm us, to consume us; it is after all better to surrender to the flames of passion than to shiver in the cold embrace of the unloved.

Rosenblume, All Through The Fire, All Through The Rain. E.P. Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 9/10

The acid test for any artist is how they sound live, how they appear on stage and the reaction to the music which has been patiently poured over, dissected and hopefully enjoyed in the home; the C.D. player getting the full examination of its potential as the digital read-out gets dangerously close to a figure in which N.A.S.A. would abort a mission.

Rosenblume, Gig Review, Leaf, Liverpool.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * * *

Hype can be a tool in which certain yardsticks are set out to inevitably fail. Hype may gather interest, it may circulate a powerful emotion but the problem with hype is that it soon rusts; it fades into corporate fantasy and the sloth like figure of doomed expectancy. Hype is on the same level as hysteria, it rages and roars but then whimpers like a mouse caught choosing between three different slabs of meagre cheese.