Tag Archives: Phil Oakes

Steve Thompson & The Incidents. E.P. Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

It is always heartening when you hear a band or artist bemoan the way that television and certain people making money from it has come to define music to a certain percentage of the population, so much so that you want to grab the musicians by the hand, shake it with vigour and a smile on your face and wish them all the luck in the world as they take on the televised corporation.

Steve Thompson And The Incidents. Gig Review. Zanzibar, Liverpool

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

Like many things in the world, music is an art form best enjoyed live and in the raw, not force fed down a multiplex of wires and accessible via a flick of a switch and shown on a screen with directors teasing you into believing that what you are seeing is real. Catching a band live allows a sense of belonging to something a little more than yourself and in Steve Thompson and The Incidents, alongside the millions of other bands plying their trade with a smile and a song that belief is more than real, it is realisation that art in the raw is as good as it gets.