Tag Archives: Peggy James

Peggy James, Isn’t Anybody Coming? Single Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

How we respond to world events is not just a matter for the individual, it is the collective whole that needs to come together and fight the evil that lives within the hearts of political psychopaths and desperate antisocial deviance; the measure of refusing to aid another in their hour of need, whether it is those who suffer primarily or by association, the mothers, the loved ones, the children caught between not understanding and feeling the rage of despair for the first time, this is how we are judged, how we are assessed, and pronounced guilty if we sit back and do nothing when the cry goes out “Isn’t Anybody Coming?”

Peggy James, The Parade. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 9/10

Being taken to The Parade is one of life’s absolute pleasures, you may only watch it take place, be the bystander in a crowd of thousands marvelling at the colour and sound as it fills the air and makes the senses run wild with excitement, but you will remember the procession forever, you will recall how small you felt in the face of the animated faces, how you held on to someone’s hand so that you wouldn’t get lost, you wouldn’t become part of the throng and the push of the convoy of exuberance and celebration.

Peggy James, Joan Of Arc. Single Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

Where are you now? Where do you stand in the battle between the forces of ignorance and those who seek truth? Where is your loyalty, your hero, your guide, and where is the one person from history that fought for justice despite their age, their gender, and their ability? For we have gone beyond the crossroads which point to illumination, and all we are left with is the memories of symbolism to keep us going until we can find the U-turn in the road that brings us back to luminaries and history makers such as Joan Of Arc.

Peggy James, Guardian Angel. Single Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

The paint laid down during 2020 may have begun to dry, but that doesn’t mean the building work is finished, if anything 2021 will see the Wisconsin born and southwest raised Peggy James take further action in her affirming project, in building another story to which her house of ideas and music can be sheltered from the storms, and to which can be seen as a positive influence by all who venture through her front door, who seek change and positivity in a world Hell-bent on self-destruction.

Peggy James, Paint Still Wet. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

There is a part of us that will long to disbelieve the obvious, that we seem to naturally distrust the word of another human being, that we will actively seek to prove them wrong. We can be told categorically, even see a sign, that proclaims the words Paint Still Wet and we will go out of our way to prove that they are amiss in their assertions, erroneous in the way they present the truth.

Peggy James, Nothing In Between. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

There is the extreme, the sense that you can give everything, all that you can and reap every reward possible, or pay scant regard, ignore the world and the stories being told and place yourself inside a box, cocooned, cushioned and deaf to the cries, the love, the fear and the heartbreak; you either embrace the world with every possible sinew in your soul bursting at the seams, or you become aloof, broken, alone and a faded memory, for there is Nothing In Between that can fill the void.