Tag Archives: Michael Weston King

Michael Weston King, The Struggle. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 9/10

The hardest thing of all is to admit that The Struggle is real, that each step we take can feel, on the worst of days, as if we are treading with slow grind consistency in a swimming pool covered in solidifying lava and without a hope of finding a way to be released from our torment…and yet, if we reach out, if we find the trust in the hand offered, and the honesty within to show our understanding then time finds a way to make the demand on soul something to sing about, to make the fight worthwhile.

They Call Her Natasha, Theatre Review. Everyman Theatre, Liverpool.

Picture from everymanplayhouse.com

Originally published by L.S. Media. February 23rd 2011.

Cast: Lou Dalgleish, Michael Weston King, Gladstone Wilson.

We are all familiar with the idea with obsession, so much so that in a way we can all claim to have one, but what happens when the fixation takes over your life and takes you to places that should be well left alone. In the Everyman Theatre’s new season of productions They Call Her Natasha looks at this obsession from the point of a fan gripped with Liverpool raised musician Elvis Costello.