Tag Archives: Joe Hill

Locke & Key: Alpha & Omega. Graphic Novel Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * * *

The shadows are drawing in and the darkness has claimed yet more lives in the small American town of Lovecraft, the reckoning is yet to happen and it will take an strength that is far beyond the years of the two older Locke children in which to save humanity from a force that will destroy or enslave them forever. Such is the delicious darkness that lives within the final graphic novel by Joe Hill and Gabriel Rodriguez in the Locke and Key series that Alpha & Omega could well be the finest finish to a the finest set of graphic novels ever created.

Locke & Key: Clockworks. Graphic Novel Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * * *

Every outstanding Graphic Novel or superhero requires a back story, there is a law somewhere, probably laid down by story teller supremo Stan Lee on a scrap of paper in a rest room and the flourished signature witnessed by Jack Kirby. The paper, possibly now residing on a wall in Marvel offices just below the enormous Captain America drawing that greets visitors to the building in New York, is surely seen by all aspiring writers and artists, none so more as Joe Hill and Gabriel Rodriguez and in the book Clockworks.

Locke & Key: Keys To The Kingdom. Graphic Novel Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * * *

You don’t need to look any further for a magnificent read when it comes to a series of graphic novels than Joe Hill’s and Gabriel Rodriguez’s Locke & Key.

It is a series built upon the very fundamentals of great story telling that art can only ever enhance.  The premise of a unique story, the realisation that you care about the way each character is drawn from the writer’s imagination and lovingly captured by the artist, the pace of the narrative, whether it is fast or slow doesn’t matter and the action and thoughts drawing you ever deeper into their own world, blurring the lines between narrative symbolism and the representation of Humanity’s great assets, that of the overwhelming power of vision, inspiration and creativity.

Locke & Key: Crown Of Shadows. Graphic Novel Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 9/10

There can be nothing more wonderfully terrifying to the mind than reading something, a classic gothic novel, a piece of macabre inducing poetry or indeed the prosaic style of any of the finest horror writers of the last hundred years, or finding a set of books that just make you squirm with delight with every turn of the page.

For anybody who loves the Graphic Novel, for anybody who the loves horror, Locke & Key is an absolute must and the third in its series, Crown of Shadows, maintains the very high standards that writer Joe Hill and artist extraordinaire Gabriel Rodriguez have thrilled fans with in the previous two books.

Locke & Key: Head Games. Graphic Novel Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * * *

The deadbolt should have been kept padlocked; the catch on the memory firmly kept in place and armed guards placed on every conceivable exit and as for the imagination…well that’s best left to Joe Hill and Gabriel Rodriguez to care for. For the Locke family certainly need them to keep them safe or at least care for them in the same manner throughout as they do in Locke & key: Head Games.

Locke & Key: Welcome To Lovecraft. Graphic Novel Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * * *

Welcome to Lovecraft; welcome to the world of Joe Hill but whatever you find it might be better to keep it under Locke & Key.

Locke & Key: Welcome To Lovecraft was the opening graphic novel by the writer Joe Hill and top rated artist Gabriel Rodriguez and as graphic novels go it is sensational. A story of incredible depth but with the added bonus of some of the most interesting comic art to ever see the light of day that its only peers in the last twenty years would be arguably Watchmen and the Sin City series, certainly when it comes to independent graphic novels.