Tag Archives: Idlewild

Idlewild, Interview Music. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision rating 8.5/10

In the end it comes to more than just emotion, be it raw, unfiltered and tender, to carry the sense of the powerful into the hearts of all who may hear the rallying cry set down by artists of all persuasions. More than emotion, more than just the ability to give the audience hope, it is has to find a way into the soul and sting, like the comfort afforded by the realisation that the person you might have called friend turns out to be someone to avoid, at least you understand the lesson that has been learned when conversation turns against you.

Idlewild, Everything Ever Written. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

It has been six long years since Scottish superstars Idlewild unleashed their form of independent rock onto the nations that make up the British Isles, six years in which the sartorial elegance of lyrics designed to make you think harder than sitting down to an exam in which you have not read any of the corresponding works, the questions written in Latin and with only five minutes to write down a 1000 words.

Idlewild, Gig Review. O2 Academy, Liverpool.

Photograph by Ian D. Hall

Originally published by L.S. Media. July 6th 2009.

Another band to make this years Summer Pops is Idlewild, with six studio albums already behind them and a recording history of over 10 years, Idlewild took the brave decision to play a city that they don’t traditionally do well in, especially when you compare the fan base nationally.

The lads from Scotland opened the set with I Don’t Have a Map from 100 Broken Windows and the bouncy In Competition for the Worst Time from the 2007 studio album Make Another World before showcasing one of the new songs from the soon to be released studio album Post Electric Blues, the very enjoyable City Hall.

Idlewild, Gig Review. The Slade Rooms, Wolverhampton.

Photograph by Ian D. Hall.

Originally published by L.S. Media. April 24th 2010.

There is only one thing better than catching a band on top form for a gig and that is to see them at few venues during the tour and know for certain that the band have been on fire for the vast majority of it.

Idlewild played Liverpool during the Summer Pops last year and since then they have been busy recording and promoting the latest studio album Post Electric Blues. With that in mind, it is nothing less than stunning to see them play with such dedication to the music and to the audience, some who have travelled the country with them, never letting up on their devotion to arguably one of the finest bands to have survived the late nineties music scene.