Tag Archives: Federal Charm

Federal Charm, Passenger. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

A new chapter is always worth licking the fingers for in eager anticipation for, the feel of the new world as it opens up, flourishes, and takes root in your psyche, it is worth every second you have to wait for the plot to develop, for it to consume your own feelings in the story. You never disregard what went before, you don’t see the hero leave the stage, but you do commend the narrative turn, you realise that the players come and go, but that they are never a Passenger, they are just as important as the scene being set, and the tale being weaved.

Federal Charm, Across The Divide. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

Following on from their debut self titled album, Federal Charm have returned in the same dynamic style with the release of the just as blistering, just as deep down and Rock-filled exuberance called Across The Divide.

In the short time between albums there has been a shift, not a great one, nothing that might be noticed by the casual observer of such things but nonetheless a shift that is discernible and hugely agreeable. A change in the way that a very good band can be heard and the attitude of really hammering out the song with style and authority; this is the divide that has been breached and taken control of and it is worth every cent, dime, penny and pound to hear the result.

Federal Charm, Gig Review. Epstein Theatre, Liverpool.

Federal Charm at The Epstein Theatre, Liverpool. October 2015. Photograph by Ian D. Hall.

Federal Charm at The Epstein Theatre, Liverpool. October 2015. Photograph by Ian D. Hall.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

British Rock and Blues is in arguably the healthiest state that it has had the pleasure to be in for many years. The renaissance of the genres has perhaps come at the expense of the U.K.’s prime export of Heavy Metal and in many cases the once dominant pop scene and culture but for The Blues none of that matters; rude health it seems does come at a cost somewhere else upon the many lines.