Tag Archives: Ed Gamble

Ed Gamble, Blizzard. Comedy Review, Epstein Theatre, Liverpool.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

It is in the power of a storm that makes a Blizzard one of high tension and drama, the subtle falling of a snow that catches the lights and makes the gentle smile brighten up any face, can soon become a torrent, a fast flowing tornado of expression, a gale of the stuff that will keep you penned in your seats, absorbing every drop of nature that falls from above, and whilst it might catch you unawares, believing for a while that it will just be an inch or two to snip through with ease as you place your toes into the world of snowflakes and warm memories, instead the outpouring leaves you helpless, submerged, unable to do anything but admit that a Blizzard is a gamble worth enjoying.