Tag Archives: Doctor Who: Thin Ice. Television Review.

Doctor Who: Thin Ice. Television Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

Cast: Peter Capaldi, Pearl Mackie, Matt Lucas, Nicholas Burns, Asiatu Koroma, Peter Singh, Simon Ludders, Tomi May, Austin Taylor, Ellie Shenker, Kishaina Thiruselvan, Badger Skelton.

There is always something reassuringly honest about Doctor Who when it finds itself within the past, a story that explains, even in the smallest detail or nugget of information, how history has been seen across the ages, how the unfolding of time is not that different after all from what we believe, or even how wildly inaccurate our modern day of thinking is and how biased it can be when we only use modern devices instead of books to check our facts.