Tag Archives: David Acton

The Merry Wives Of Windsor, Theatre Review. The R.S.C., Stratford-Upon-Avon.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 9/10

Cast: David Troughton, Rebecca Lacey, Paul Dodds, Karen Fishwick, Beth Cordingly, Vince Leigh, David Acton, Jonathan Cullen, Ishia Bennison, Stevie Basaula, Luke Newberry, Sakuntala Ramanee, Nima Taleghani, Charlotte Josephine, Afolabi Alli, Josh Finan, Katy Brittain, Tim Samuels, Tom Padley, John Macaulay.

One may play with time and words and not always get them right, not every sentence uttered in this world of ours can be set down with accuracy, not every speech is heralded and praised for its rhythm and beating heart cadence. Yet, in the act of unsolicited wooing, the words never truly fit the mouth and the insincere clumsiness of the potential, unwelcome, suitor is but the action of one only thinking of one thing.

The Woman In Black, Theatre Review. Playhouse Theatre, Liverpool.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

Cast: David Acton, Matthew Spencer.

A good ghost story never flinches in the face of modern day scepticism, if anything it can grow with stature, it can take on almost a life of its own, of becoming a haunting reminder of the world in between realities that shape and bend our perceptions of what is clear and unsullied and what is blurred, distorted and afraid to step out of the shadows. A good ghost story is one which you can feel the person next to you wanting to jump out of their skin, their creeping flesh tingle with nervousness and anticipation; there are many that have this effect but few capture the pure sense of emotion that is inherent as The Woman In Black.