Tag Archives: Anna Corcoran. Gig Review. Unity Theatre

Anna Corcoran. Gig Review. Unity Theatre, Liverpool.


Anna Corcoran at the Unity Theatre, Liverpool. September 2014. Photograph by Ian D. Hall.

Anna Corcoran at the Unity Theatre, Liverpool. September 2014. Photograph by Ian D. Hall.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 9/10

This is the show, arguably the only performance in town that would grab the attention of so many on a night when the news, both local and international, in which could prize the heart away from what used to be called despairingly interesting times. For Anna Corcoran, the sweet deftness of a long lingering caress on a keyboard that responds with a nod of approval and its own commendation, is an hour of time that goes by so fast and yet you feel its effect long after you have got home and played the gig over in your mind as dreams embrace your quivering soul.