Satin Beige, Gig Review. Unit 51, Threshold, Liverpool. 2016.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

The world may be in a mess, a state of confusion and disorder in which we are permanently told to feel afraid, to be watchful, to not engage or try to change, that being fearful of the person next to you is natural and to always trust those in charge because, like children, we cannot be trusted to make a difference, that we must follow blindly the excepted so called leadership.

The world may be in a mess but in a small corner of Liverpool, a tranquil oasis of artistic calm bestows good feelings and the chance to ignore the calls for hate and instead take arms up by siding with the organisers of Threshold for the sixth time and revel in the majesty of music on offer. As the Saturday of the three day festival opened up with the superb Satin Beige making the first slot of the day at Unit 51 a timely reminder of the importance of how each note, finely crafted, wonderfully delivered, can soon put a smile upon the face of anybody if they truly look for it, the world’s mess was, if not forgotten, then at least placed out of harm’s way for just a little while; a while that thankfully stretched into the vast majority of the day.

With the prospect of an E.P. out in the summer, Satin Beige took centre stage and with the quiver of a bow ready to take the audience into the deepest reaches of glowing testimony and the cello and guitar almost pulsating with expectation, Satin Beige kicked off the day’s proceedings with good humour and tremendous songs.

With the set combining the tracks Midnight World, Slowdown, Love Drunk, Addicted, Social Media Anxiety and the ever enlightening Being Me, Ms. Beige could do no wrong and it was with the flurry of early afternoon appreciation that greeted the final note and the ever humble nod of thanks.

The world may be mad, however with Satin Beige holding its hand and dampening its fevered brow, it at least has a fighting chance of remaining the most astonishing place in the Universe. A wonderful way to start a Saturday, Satin Beige remains an artist in which to savour at all hours of the day.

Ian D. Hall