Tag Archives: William McInnes

The Newsreader. Series Two. Television Drama Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

Cast: Anna Torv, Sam Reid, Robert Taylor, William McInnes, Marg Downey, Stephen Peacocks, Michella Lim Davidson, Chum Ehelepola, Rory Fleck Byrne, Daniel Gillies, Philippa Northeast, Chai Hansen, Caroline Lees, Maria Angelico, John Leary, Jackson Tozer, Rhys Mitchell, Dan Spielman, Hunter Page-Lochard.

If everything in life is a political act, then we are in effect the news. We may be a bystander on the scene, but in effect our presence makes us a leading player in observance, and how re react to the narrative is how we are judged by those who sift through the pictures and present their evidence to the awaiting world via The Newsreader who is the most constant face on our television screens.

The Newsreader. Television Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * * *

Cast: Anna Torv, Sam Reid, William McInnes, Michelle Lim Davidson, Chum Ehelepola, Chai Hansen, Marg Downey, Stephen Peacocke, Robert Taylor, Caroline Lee, Maude Davey, Bert LeBonté, Jackson Tozer, Maria Angelico, John Leary, Peter Houghton, Dom Phelan, Tony Rickards, Robert Grubb, Edwina Wren, Rhys Mitchell, Tim Draxl Cullen Gorman, Hany Lee, Meewon Yang, Rohan Mirchandaney, Melissa Jaffer, Anne Charleston, Alexandra Schepisi, Stephen Lopez, Peter Paltos, David Woods, Alex Duncan, David Whiteley, Blair Venn, Keith Brockett, Natalia Novikova.