Tag Archives: Wide Awake And Waiting. E.P. Review

Palm Ghosts, Wide Awake And Waiting. E.P. Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

The world has not only lost its way, it could be argued that in its madness it has taken us all hostage and yet with no hope of a ransom being paid, it slowly, and surly, finds ways to grind us down, we escape in a fantasy to combat the emotional turmoil we feel and we stare at screen all day in the hope it brings us respite and hope of escape. It is not the fault of some all-powerful, non-existent Matrix, it is the way we have allowed ourselves to be conditioned, we are reactive, not proactive enough, and we have lost the ability to be Wide Awake And Waiting to strike home at those who would have us all in pens.