Tag Archives: Thomas McConnell

Thomas McConnell, Please Don’t Slow Me Down/Crocodile. Single Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

It is almost possible to see the cogs whirring round and the musical knowledge come pouring out in a steam of fervoured imagination as you listen to Thomas McConnell’s latest digital single, Please Don’t Slow Me Down and Crocodile.

Thomas McConnell, Worried About Thomas McConnell. E.P. Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 9/10

Worried About Thomas McConnell? On the evidence of his E.P., you really shouldn’t be as the young man with verve, style and the sweetness of attitude has produced four songs that typify the resilience of the young talented artists, musicians and people in everyday life to make their voice heard.

Tilt Shift Music Hosts Launch Night With Some Great New Music.

The Kazimier Gardens, even a slate gray covered sky day and with the heat being trapped and oppressive, can still hold an aura of mystique as a selection of tracks performed by some of the great young artists fills the air of the courtyard and garden in which the evening, hosted by the incredible people at Tilt Shift Music.

The weather may be oppressively close, it may get under the clothes and get slightly under your skin but it is nothing compared to the heat generated by the musicians as they celebrate the official free launch of a company that is putting young musical talent first in Liverpool.