Tag Archives: Thom Morecroft And Joe Kelly Set To Give October A Fine Musical Finish.

Jamie Clague, Thom Morecroft And Joe Kelly Set To Give October A Fine Musical Finish.

The View Two Gallery is one of the treasures that Liverpool holds with deep affection to its heart, a venue that has housed many a gig, many a night of beautiful music contemplation and one that never seems to run out of great local talent wanting to perform within it. Like The Bluecoat, Zanzibar, Leaf, Studio 2, The Lomax and a whole host of what many outside of the city, those who don’t truly get the vibe that exists in this heartland of musical creativity, might consider to be small scale, in actual fact, it is the thriving soul that allows artists the chance to perform with careful consideration to a very appreciative audience and one that is seized upon and must be maintained.