Tag Archives: The Lovecraft Investigations: The Shadow Over Innsmouth. Audio Drama Review

The Lovecraft Investigations: The Shadow Over Innsmouth. Audio Drama Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

Cast: Barnaby Kay, Jana Carpenter, Kyle Soller, Steven Mackintosh, Mark Bazeley, Samuel Barnett, Nicola Walker, Karla Crome, Jennifer Armour, Ferdinand Kingsley, David Calder, Walles Hamonde, Michael Maloney, Phoebe Fox.

One of the most interesting and intense dramas to have found its way to the listener’s appreciation of late is the adaption of H.P. Lovecraft’s dark and frequently disturbing tales that were set in and around his native New England. Julian Simpson’s superb reading and amendments to bring it to a more British viewpoint and understanding of how such a sense of enormity and mystery could begin and take hold in the country.