Tag Archives: The Last Scout

The Last Scout, Dust N Bone. Single Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

For as long as there is war there will be art made about it, regardless of the genre, the form or the artistic content, there will always the reflection of what the destruction force of war can do to the soul and to those caught in the cross fire. It is a genre explored with grace and style by The Last Scout and one that catches the lump in the back of your throat unawares and off guard, for Dust N Bone is a song that just knows where to hold you, where to push you off balance and when to catch you before you hit the ground.

The Last Scout. E.P. Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

When a band puts out an E.P. or album that has the flash of inspiration attached to it by supplementing the musical aura with a touch of mystique, the ears tend to get just a little more excited and the brain digs just that little bit harder to understand what makes the group and the music tick. With The Last Scout layering secretive messages from the start with the sound of a pre-Second World War radio drama broadcast in which the idea of courage and making a stand is paramount, the E.P. brims with clever vocals and music which bounces along in a way that is reminiscent to the way that the much underrated Yorkshire band Dead Like Harry sounded.