Tag Archives: the comback trail

The Comeback Trail. (2020). Film Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

Cast: Robert De Niro, Tommy Lee Jones, Morgan Freeman, Zach Braff, Emile Hirsch, Sheryl Lee Ralph, Kate Katzman, Eddie Griffin, Chris Mullinax, Patrick Muldoon, Julie Lott, Blerim Destani, Vincent Spano, Paul Witten, Aighleann McKiernan, Melissa Greenspan, Joel Michaely, Jermaine Washington, Desiree Geraldine, Morse Bicknell, Danno Hanks.

Like the Blues, it seemed inevitable that the days of the Western movie being cinematic gold had long since departed in a wave of nostalgia and fond memories, and whilst the audience might miss the gun smoke, the sense of identifying with the lone pioneer of days long past, the constant signalling and portrayal of the Native American people as the casting villain, the rampant stereotyping, and negativity is something that is not missed at all.