Tag Archives: Tania Rodrigues

Doctor Who: Time War 2. Big Finish Audio Drama Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

Cast: Paul McGann, Rakhee Thakrar, Jaqueline Pearce, Nicholas Briggs, Guy Adams, Nikki Amuka-Bird, Anya Ayola, Jon Culshaw, Victor McGuire, Julia McKenzie, Tania Rodrigues, Amanda Root, Simon Slater.

The Time War rages on, and The Doctor, free of being pressed into Galactic Service as a recruit, still finds his freedom to help where he can, the reluctant warrior in a senseless never-ending war, curtailed by the machinations of the evil on both sides; be it the Daleks or the Timelords, the war between them is bringing destruction to a wider scope of existence…and at the very basis of life they both show how little they care for the innocent casualty, for the races that scream in horror as they are erased or slaughtered in the name of victory.

Doctor Who: Scavenger. Big Finish Audio Drama Review 184.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

Cast: Colin Baker, Lisa Greenwood, Tariq Bhatti, Kate McEwen, Anjli Mohindra, Tania Rodrigues, John Banks.

Space, perhaps the most dangerous place that Humanity’s eyes can ever see and yet the peril, the threat of the black canvas is one in which at some point surely anybody who has ever lived has dreamed about seeing. To take in the whole majesty of the speck of rock we cling to, to dare to take a chance on seeing for ourselves the neglected sphere for all its beauty and destruction, surely that makes space worthwhile.