Tag Archives: slash

Jim Marshall, “father of loud”, Dies aged 88.

Originally published by L.S. Media. April 7th 2012.

He probably never picked up a guitar in anger in his life, yet without the signature Marshall Amp, music wouldn’t be as loud or as refined as it is today.

It was with great sadness that drew the Rock fraternity together this week as the iconic and legendary amplifier maker Jim Marshall, “the father of loud” passed away at the age of 88.

Born James Charles Marshall in 1923 in Acton, Marshall was more than just a businessman, he was a pioneer of the guitar amplification and his product, a labour of love, was used by such musicians as Jimi Hendrix, Slash, Lemmy, Joe Bonamassa and Nikki Sixx.

Slash/ Myles Kennedy And The Conspirators. Apocalyptic Love. Album Review.

Originally published on June 19th 2012.

L.S. Media Rating ****

Unlike Slash’s debut self-titled 2010 album, Apocalyptic Love has more gravitas as a collection of songs, it is cohesive and the songs seem somehow to flow better into one another. The reason perhaps is unlike Slash, the album profits from having a stable line-up all the way through. It makes the album have more appeal than believing for a minute that the debut album was an exercise in self-indulgence.