Tag Archives: Shannon McCormick

RWBY Volume 3, Television Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * * *

Cast: Lindsay Jones, Kara Eberle, Arryn Zech, Barbara Dunkelman, Miles Luna, Samantha Ireland, Jen Brown, Michael Jones, Kerry Shawcross, Taylor Pelto, Shannon McCormick, Kathleen Zuelch, Gray G. Haddock, Jessica Nirgi, Garrett Hunter, J.J. Castillo, Katie Newville.

Are Rooster Teeth the best production company for making animation or anything for that matter? Audiences are now at the end of RWBY volume three and it seems that Rooster Teeth really pour their hearts and souls into the work that they do.

RWBY, Season Two. Web Series Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 9/10

Cast: Lindsay Jones, Arryn Zech, Kara Eberle, Barbara Dunkelmen, Miles Luna, Jen Brown, Samantha Ireland, Michael Jones, J.J. Castillo, Adam Ellis, Gray G. Haddock, Shannon McCormick, Katie Newville, Jessica Nigri, Mounty Oum, Patrick Rodriguez, Kerry Shawcross, Kathleen Zuelch.

From, the very first episode, from the very first minute the fans of the RWBY are not disappointed. The creator Monty Oum has thought out this season very well and with a story to tell about the others as well as the main characters, the audience is now given further insight into each of the member’s back stories and what they are fighting for and that is only to the benefit to Monty Oum and the production team.