Tag Archives: Rodewold Suite

Dominic Dunn, Gig Review. Rodewold Suite, Liverpool Philharmonic Hall.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

To be 16 and have the world to explore and be part of the new music renaissance that has been making itself known in the last few years must be a thrilling and exciting prospect. In amongst the burgeoning singer/songwriters, superb groups and dedicated musicians that have put the city firmly in the mind of those seeking a new wave of artists now stands Dominic Dunn.

Miles Hunt and Erica Nockalls. Gig Review. Rodewold Suite, Liverpool Philharmonic Hall.

Erica Nockalls and Miles Hunt. Photograph by Ian D. Hall

Originally published by L.S. Media.February 23rd 2012.

L.S. Media Rating *****

Miles Hunt and Erica Nockalls never seem to stand still and rest on their impressive laurels. These two imposing musical stars have been on a journey, plying their trade up and down the country and to far flung corners for longer than some can remember.