Tag Archives: Richard Bremmer

1984, Theatre Review. Playhouse Theatre, Liverpool.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

Cast: Mark Arends, Tim Dutton, Stephen Fewell, Christopher Patrick Nolan, Matthew Spencer, Gavin Spokes, Mandi Symonds, Hara Yannas, Richard Bremmer, Joshua Higgott.

To do justice to arguably one of the finest pieces of English Literature of the 20th Century on stage takes a team so immersed into what they are trying to achieve, that all else is secondary. To bring to life the horror that awaits Winston Smith from the spectre of Big Brother that is stamped like an impregnable tattoo all over the face of decency in 1984 takes a fantastic director, an adaptor of work who can make the simmering tension boil over again and again and two men you can believe in from start to finish to capture the spirit of a nation, of a world that has become the stuff of nightmares.

Murder On The Home Front, Television Review. I.T.V.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 7/10

Cast: Tazmin Merchant, Patrick Kennedy, James Fleet, Ryan Gage, John Bowe, Richard Bremmer, Amanda Fairbanks-Hynes, Emerald Fennell, Iain McKee, Siobhan Hayes, Susie Blake, John Heffernan, Patrick Knowles, Joey Batey.

Murder on the Home Front, the two-part television programme based on the memoirs of Molly Lefebure, may not have the stature of other crime/detective programmes that have become a staple of the diet, the fix of misdeed and felony that Britain seems to revel in watching but nonetheless it sparked and blossomed and in the end was enough to get the crime gastric juices flowing to make it quirky, watchable and in parts inspired.

Doctor Who, Black And White. Audio Drama Review. Big Finish Audio 163.

Picture from Big Finish.com

Originally published by L.S. Media. September 1st 2012.

L.S.Media Rating ****

Cast: Sylvester McCoy, Sophie Aldred, Philip Olivier, Maggie O’Neil, Amy Pemberton, Stuart Milligan, Michael Rouse, Richard Bremmer, John Banks, James Hayward.

It is a story as old and as dear to lovers of the English language as any…and it also contains the power of Beowulf thrown in for good measure.

Matt Fitton’s Doctor Who audio play for Big Finish, Black and White, combines cleverly the power of Sylvester McCoy’s incarnation of the Doctor and the sheer majesty of the oldest tale translated and written down in the English language and somewhere in between a tale of the future and that of the past merge and blur into legendry Doctor Who status.