Tag Archives: (r)Evolution. Album Review.

Jupiter Falls, Revolution. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 9/10

The Revolution will not be televised, it will barely even get advertising space for such things would never be allowed and yet for Leeds sensation Jupiter Falls, the Revolution has already begun in earnest, the uprising has gathered pace and through massive endeavour and sheer quality, Revolution has been unleashed.

HammerFall, (r)Evolution. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

It almost feels as if there an element of greed attached to the way the Scandinavian countries have dominated the world of Metal in recent times, greed or perhaps something more profound, something that would have been seen as verging on the edge of musical insanity only three decades ago. If the late 70s saw the emergence of the New Wave of British Heavy Metal, then the epoch that we live in, this time of feeling of global communication but complete disconnection from the way we live our fleeting lives should be seen as the time of a new dominant force, the second Viking Invasion, a lot more Metal, and the only pillaging is that of the U.K.’s and America’s ever loosening grip on the title of the home of the genre.