Tag Archives: Raelism

Raelism, Back To The Battlefield. E.P. Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

The upbeat world of Electronica may be a far away dream in a world that seems forever standing on the precipice of the unknown battle ahead, the abyss yawing deep below as the careful shuffle of cramped feet dislodges more concrete rocks and stones that so far have kept us from falling.

The arena in which light tries to shine some semblance of glory within, the mutual adoration between man and machine that isn’t born out of fire or war but as an extension to humanity’s ability to make music on instruments other than that considered the norm and into this arena steps once more Raelism and his follow up to Freedom Within The Prison, the exotic and fortune favoured Back To The Battlefield.

Raelism, Freedom Within The Prison. E.P. Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

Everyone has a prison, a jail cell or gaol of their own making; it is how they deal with the thoughts inside that surrounding wall that set them apart from others. Sometimes your mind and imagination are the only Freedom Within The Prison.