Tag Archives: radio drama review

End Of Transmission. Radio Drama Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 9/10

Cast: Louise Brealey, David Haig, Don Gilet, Peter Bankole, David Carlyle, Madeline Potter, Richard Laing, Joel MacCormack, Martina Laird.

We never think of how a disease comes into being, how it is ‘born’, how it evolves…we leave that to the scientists and we react with surprise when it is put to us that the wild speculation we have gossiped over when a friend is diagnosed with a particular illness, is in fact wrong, that it is far more sinister than we imagine, but also more acutely disturbing for our species.

Of A Night. Radio Drama Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * * *

Cast: Neil Caple, Sue Jenkins, Izzy Campbell, Jason Done, Emily Pithon, Paul Duckworth.

Our personal problems take precedence over that which we understand are important to other people, it is who we are as a species. During panic, in the most extreme moments of what our minds can cope with as desperation and hopelessness threaten to overwhelm us, our struggles will be seen as more important than that suffered by a neighbour, a friend, or even a nation.

Shard. Radio Drama Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

Cast: Damien Molony, Finbar Lynch, Rebecca O’Mara, Trevor Kaneswaren, Kitty O’ Sullivan, Will Kirk.

Our environment shapes us but are we willing to listen to demands that the Earth below our feet asks of us in return for the bounty it supplies. If we look upon the last couple of hundred years of abuse we have savagely wrecked upon the soil, the heavy metals we have allowed to poison our lands, the sheer scale of strain we have placed on that which feeds us, then its no wonder that it could be argued, that the earth has rejected us, and no amount of pleading or sacrifice made in arrears will satisfy or placate that which has been abused.

The Piper. Radio Drama Series Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

Cast: Tamzin Outhwaite, Charlie Lou Borthwick, Rosalina McDonagh, Kacey Ainsworth, Kassius Carey Johnson, Manpreet Bachu, Shiloh Coke, Andrew Tiernan, Mark Lockyer, Deka Walmsley, Rob Jarvis, Nhu Huynh, Natalie Mitchell, Macready Massey, Anamaria Marinca, Holly Hazelton.

Many a children’s tale of caution is one that is designed in actuality for the adult to take heed. The children of Hamelin were not the ones to openly suffer at the hands of the musician and his magic, but the parents who saw their children spirited away in act of vengeance of non-payment. It is to this effect that other tales show their true hand, the adult beware of those we cross, for the payment is often more than we can bear to lose.