Tag Archives: poety by Ian D. Hall.

Failed Intervention

My name is of no importance

as I sit here quietly breathing in dust from the beaten up

old chair you provided me with.

My clothes as crumpled as my un-digestable heart

in this crowded room, where you sit

comfortably and with an air of seething malice wait

for me

to admit that

all you need to know is that I am a poetry addict

and that it has been that way ever thus.


The intervention should be hailed a success

for I have gone at least a couple of hours since I

A Wolf’s New Pack.

For the world in which the wolf may roam,

remember home

is where you left it,

but also the home-made can be anywhere

and anything you want it to be.

Take the year, a month, a moment,

or every so often raise a glass to the past

that put you where you are now

and only come back when the time is right.


You have always been a wolf,

you are the pride in us all,

your fur unbroken, bristles,

black and claws grab the opportunity ahead

Who’s To Blame.

For whom do we blame when we finally admit that the Devil is dead

and that God stopped caring after all.

There is no fire laden pit in which the cackle of a billion tortured lives

are heard screaming in agony and the taste of lingering sulphur

is a dietary supplement in which

to atone for the lack of space provided by a misdirected deed,

the ramblings of a sad lonely woman or the heresy of the scheming miser.

The Devil is dead…

he died a brutal death, in agony and with his forked tongue