Tag Archives: poetry by Max Rael


There’s cloud everywhere

It clings to everything

Like chewing gum in your hair

Or glue upon your skin


There’s cloud everywhere

And it gets in everything

Like advertisements in your dreams

Or sand inside machines


Chemical war has been declared

But none of us are aware

Because the chemicals that fill the air

Are slowly destroying our minds


So I spent some time destroying

Some things I had created

I don’t know if I felt better

But I guess I felt different

The Tower

I saw a tower

It laughed me into submission

But that’s okay

I found I could still smile


I was in a tower

It talked me into submission

But that’s okay

I found I could still smile


I was locked in a tower

I questioned my submission

It was too late

They were rounding up my friends and family


I was brought from the tower

I smiled at the block

My legs wanted to give way

All I am is my love

The Tower

 I saw a tower

It laughed me into submission

But that’s okay

I found I could still smile

I was in a tower

It talked me into submission

But that’s okay

I found I could still smile

I was locked in a tower

I questioned my submission

It was too late

They were rounding up my friends and family

I was brought from the tower

I smiled at the block

My legs wanted to give way

All I am is my love