Tag Archives: Norm. Single Review

The Voodoo Sheiks, Norm. Single Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

Defiance in the face of uncertainty is a measure in which to know the protagonist of any story or tale. it is one of the reasons why we embrace the spirit of characters in literature who display guile, wit, cunning and intelligence, as well as vision.

This sense of defiance is why Beowulf will always vanquish Grendel despite being complex and flawed, why Sherlock Holmes endures even in a world that has seen police procedure surpass his intellect, and why the likes of Marvel’s Captain America still captures the imagination despite the attentions of a crowd that wishes to denigrate and vilify such actions undertaken by the graphic novel hero…defiance in the face of uncertainty is not an act of recklessness, it is the underpinning of courage.