Tag Archives: My Name In Brackets (The Best of Boo Hewerdine & The Bible). Albm Review.

Boo Hewerdine, My Name In Brackets (The Best of Boo Hewerdine & The Bible). Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

A gentle demeanour is never lost in life. The soothing tones of a musician seemingly at peace with themselves is never truly overshadowed by the storm that rampages around them, the squall and the rough tidal surges that drown out the less romantic find ways to inspire the artistically gifted. For Boo Hewerdine if the squall and blizzards of life affect him, then his music doesn’t show it, not outwardly possibly but like all great artists there is something of the dark attached within the moving, almost sensual lyrics that command the same attention as coming across the flowing beast that is the River Nile for the first time.