Tag Archives: Momentum

Neal Morse, Momentum. Album Review.

Originally published by L.S. Media. September 13th 2012.

The question that some people who follow these type of things closely will be asking, is Momentumpossibly the best thing that Progressive Rock stalwart Neal Morse has ever given to the world? The follow up will no doubt be “why the long wait?”

The new album is arguably one of the finest albums that Neal has ever had a part in, the best though? Perhaps with the exception of The Whirlwind by Transatlantic and the 2002 album by Spock’s Beard Snow, then undoubtedly it is pretty darn close. It takes time to feel comfortable, to be in a space where you are not just going through the day to day motions or perceived monotony in which to produce an album which stands out, especially in the world of Progressive Rock.