Tag Archives: Mike Brookfield

Mike Brookfield, Hey Kiddo!. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

It’s been a while since the image of Peter Gunn walked the veiled streets and alleyways of our psyche, the guitar playing as if forced by a thunderstorm and being plucked by the consciousness of the seismic stranger of the instrumental, the one who looks as if they have walked straight off a neo noir and in the arms of Cuban dance routine; such is the presence of musically delivered character in instrument form, that when it comes your way, the only suitable response is to lay down your time for a couple of hours and while away the pleasure from the company created.

Mike Brookfield, Brookfield. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

Many shy away from the raw and the passionate, they see the allure but they cannot find it in themselves to feel it in their souls; perhaps fearful or troubled by what could be let loose should they delve too deep into the fire below. The raw is not to be shied away from, it is not to be excused and passed over in favour of something that has been cooked and over produced beyond its initial vision. Sometimes all it needs is its own identity and its own sense of self; it is a vision offered by Mike Brookfield in his uninhibited second album, Brookfield.