Tag Archives: Marko Cigaro. Single Review.

David Neville King, Marko Cigaro. Single Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision 9/10

To have your essence, your personality, your soul, captured by an artist is perhaps the sincerest sign of immortality that one person can bestow upon another.

We become excited by the thought of seeing ourselves on the television, maybe filmed at a concert in the front row, or at a football match where the scorer of the decisive goal rushes to the crowd to celebrate, and the camera picks you out; screen shot saved for all eternity. Yet that fleeting rush is only produced because of the single moment, not one framed by the eyes of an artist who sees beneath the skin veneer and the outer shell and who appreciates the soul enough to weave into existence a song that truly marks you out as being remarkable; a human being with a story to tell.