Tag Archives: Maps. Album Review.

Soft Science, Maps. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

A resonance in Time is always something to look out for, to capture it takes proficiency and passion, and even to touch upon it is a calling that few can master without finding themselves being driven down the cul-de-sac of bitter recriminations and self-doubt; we can all use the abundant instruments to make the way clear, hopefully we can all follow a guide, but so few of us can say with certainty that we have dedicated ourselves to studying all the Maps available and are ready to find the way forward, or even be prepared to admit that we are lost and need help.

King Harvest & The Weight, Maps. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 7.5/10

Musical cartographers, those who love to pinpoint every detail of music ever recorded on to the map of the world, are always in for a treat when a new regime comes along to add emphasis to the coves, inlets and straggling shorelines; after all something new and so far undiscovered makes Maps, any map more complete.

King Harvest & The Weight, otherwise known as Ben Addy, Justin Edley and Olly Smith offer their debut album Maps as a cartographers dream, a musical offering to enrich the senses whilst at all times knowing that as with any debut, it should be taken that the lay of the land ahead is not charted territory but filled with desire to explore and chart for others who may pass by.