Tag Archives: Keith Thompson Band

Keith Thompson Band, Snapshot Of Reality. Live Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

If passion is your thing, if it’s the be all and end all and makes the nights hanging by an amplifier, dry ice clinging to your lungs like a wet December fog and a guitar playing a sweet serenade of honest love and toiled emotion, then the Keith Thompson Band’s live album, Snapshot of Reality, is one in which to count the ways in which to adore your love of music.

Keith Thompson Band, Catch The Fire. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 7/10

Music is nothing without enthusiasm, the blaze of ongoing passion and the fervour of belief that what you are producing is something that will nestle at the heart of many a listener and grab their attention and excite them to a point where apathy is thrown to ravenous wolves and the deadly soulless.