Tag Archives: John Nichols

Relatively Speaking, Theatre Review. The Bear Pit, Stratford-Upon-Avon.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

Cast: Ben Vaughn, Karen Brooks, John Nichols, Niki Baldwin.

The glorious shadow of the R.S.C. looms large over Stratford-Upon-Avon, like Duncan at the feast, the spectral glow is always uppermost in people’s minds when they think of the much loved Warwickshire town.

For some the strength, valour and beauty of the R.S.C. might be considered a hindrance in being able to show with any type of realistic pleasure performances by other companies, that other theatres wishing to open up and bring in works away from the greatest ever playwright would find it difficult to live under the looming illumination that spreads from down by the river and into everybody’s lives, Relatively Speaking of course.