Tag Archives: Jez Hellard & The Djukella Orchestra

Jez Hellard & The Djukella Orchestra, The Fruitful Fells. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

The fertile rich spirit which inside all who come into this world is rarely exercised to its full potential due to circumstance beyond their control, outside influences, like apples on a tree are subject to the varying changes in the weather, the soil, and the nutrition, are always eating away at the soul of the human and dictating just how they can reach out to the sun without allowing the worms of discontent to eat their way through the skin and through to its very core.

Jez Hellard & The Djukella Orchestra, Heavy Wood. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

Long may Folk music remain in the hearts of all those who are touched by it, for it seems at times it is the one genre that relishes in its ability to knock at the door of corporate insanity, of Government lunacy and the madness of the well proportioned and bring them to a semblance of account or at least raise the awareness of what is happening in the world within the listener.