Tag Archives: Jane Horrocks

COBRA: Series Three. Television Drama Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

Cast: Robert Carlyle, Victoria Hamilton, David Haig, Lisa Palfrey, Marsha Thompson, Edward Bennett, Lucy Cohu, Richard Pepple, Alexa Davies, Ben Crompton, Jane Horrocks, Holly Cattle, Gregg Chilingirian, Anthony Flanagan, Emily Fairn, Cavan Clerkin, Yasmin Al-Khudhairi, Geoffrey McGivern, Rina Mahoney, Wil Johnson, Khalid Laith.

Our perception of government is not only flawed, it is a dangerous and unsustainable in a modern setting; for what goes on behind the scenes of 10 Downing Street, the secret doors of power, and in the inner sanctum that is the Cabinet Office Briefing Room A, is not for the faint hearted or those who deny that some meetings are not taken place in public for the fear of upsetting the children, the electorate, or as Orwell observantly wrote, The Proles.