Tag Archives: James Kermack

Dead In A Week, Or Your Money Back. Film Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 9/10

Cast: Christopher Eccleston, Aneurin Barnard, Tom Wilkinson, Gethin Anthony, Freya Mavor, Nigel Lindsay, Marion Bailey, Emma Campbell-Jones, Velibor Topic, Carol MacReady, Marcia Warren, Nathalie Buscombe, Orion Lee, Eileen Nicholas, Cecilia Noble, James Kermack, Keir Charles, Tim Steed, Neelam Bakshi, Mark Penfold, Parth Thakerar, Ashton Henry Reid, Terenia Cooper.

There are themes within art that many find unsettling, they seek to disapprove and claim that such investigations into the world of the person seeking suicide for example as an answer to their problems and ills are mawkish, they believe it is a form of self-pity that should not be encouraged, dangerous perhaps and potentially threatening to society.