Tag Archives: Jake Aaron

Jake Aaron, Fag Ash And Beer. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

The idea that creativity can endure in a stark environment is one that is surely out of synch with reality, at best the sterile thoughts of pursuit are hokum, at worst it has all the hall marks of the barren mind making excuses not to have lived the life they talk of.

Jake Aaron, Give Me Your Horse. Single Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

The instrumental single is one that can inspire and be seen as a manifestation of the physical art made innocent, or it can sink without a trace, confined to the novelty bin, brought out at parties with a groan of delight as everybody remembers the dance that once accompanied it and the embarrassed tentative steps on the dance floor, aided only by youthful shenanigans and the Dutch courage required to pull the moves off.