Tag Archives: Insane & Loved. E.P. Review.

Eleanor Nelly, Insane & Loved. E.P. Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

There is so much going on in the life of Eleanor Nelly that a music lover you have to stand back, smile and appreciate with utter faith and conviction the beauty in the songs that she offers to live audiences. That conviction, that heartfelt comprehension of her soul and understanding of her as a person, is only intensified when you finally get the chance to hear the songs played out in the setting of your living room or through the earphones as you disconnect from the world and the gossip on the bus. For through being able to hear the softness of a voice hammer home the anarchy of a young woman, the turmoil, the pain and the grace that comes with such an age, the listener is able to empathise with the disgraceful way we as a society are still treating our youth.