Tag Archives: Ina Forsman

Ina Forsman, Katrina Pejak, Ally Venable: Blues Caravan 2019. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

They Say I’m Different, perhaps not so much different, as distinctive, a symbol of female drive and Blues passion that is captivating, and which has thankfully been part of a growing with speed since the turn of the century; a far cry from the times in which to be part of the Blues arguably meant for a woman somehow being seen as the voice, and not as the face and the heart of the song.

Ina Forsman, Been Meaning To Tell You. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

Kipling may be seen to be an anathema in terms of experience in today’s opinionated world, his work under a certain type of microscope has garnered criticism, censure and in some quarters, out and out hate, he has become a poison to many, exhibiting traits that are unacceptable in a modern world. However, for whatever you may think of Rudyard Kipling, his assertion of twin imposters holds true, to treat triumph and disaster as one entity, the giving and taking away by fate and decree, then you will grow in strength, in both mind and spirit, you will find what everyone’s Been Meaning To Tell You, that life is a curve ball, not to be swerved, but to be met head on and dealt with, for in that movement stands victory.