Tag Archives: Ghosts.

The Shadow Theatre, Gig Review. Liverpool Calling. St, Luke’s Church.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

You can’t keep a musical secret for long in Liverpool. Eventually somebody somewhere will pipe up and say that this band are just amazing, fantastic, unreal or sometimes but thankfully rarely don’t bother they haven’t got a clue. It is the very nature of the city that its long antennae, its fingers ever ready to feel for a new pulse to keep the lifeblood of Liverpool fresh and exciting will come across an act that has been squirreling in a basement venue and thrust them out into the open for its citizens to marvel over.

The Shadow Theatre, Ghosts. Single Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

The Shadow Theatre, four lads from the heart of Maghull and Huyton release their first single today and it is a rip-roarer and a testament to the growing anger that dwells within a section of society once more. The anger of punk was never lost, it just has a new feeling and new bands in which to shake a few fists and take on the stupidity of what it sees.