Tag Archives: From The Dark. Album Review.

Vargas Blues Band, From The Dark. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

Arguably the most seductive of sounds, aside from an engrossing violin being played under a dimly lit street lamp as it serenades a lover from the tender arms of Morpheus, is that of the guitar. The finally polished wood in tune with a good set of fingers and a lung busting pocket of air can sweep a person off their feet and lead them down a road to expectant, gratified glee. In the hands of a master it’s like being kissed by an angel who has just found out that life is meant to be lived and not just waiting on a command, in the hands of Javier Vargas and the Vargas Blues Band it s like finding out that angel has been living next door for years and has had a crush on you forever.