Tag Archives: Edgar Jones

Edgar Jones, Gig Review. District, Liverpool. Hope Fest 2015.

Edgar Jones at District. Hope Fest 2015.  Photograph by Lis Garrett. Picture used with kind permission by Lis Garrett.

Edgar Jones at District. Hope Fest 2015. Photograph by Lis Garrett. Picture used with kind permission by Lis Garrett.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

Back in March of this year the Philharmonic Hall in Liverpool was treated to the re-emergence of one of its most favourite musicians in the form of Edgar Jones on the stage as he opened the evening for the musical colossus that is Dr. John, it was a return to which many in the home grown audience could, if propriety had been thrown out of the window, have wept with solemn joy at the sight. Many it was to be seen, were certainly on the verge of letting such stifling actions go and no one would have blamed them for being so honest and in touch with their feelings over such a talented man and his much missed voice.

Edgar Jones, Gig Review. Liverpool Philharmonic Hall. Liverpool.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

There are spaces in life which are just too big to be filled by anybody or anything else. Whilst they are not around the hole gets bigger, it is more and more noticeable and the bleak feeling they leave in their absence turns to raging at the moon and the cursing the stars.

For Edgar Jones to have been away from the Liverpool stage is akin to feeling adrift on a sea with only a single plank to sit upon as the sea crashes around your mid-rift, it is unfathomable why the predicament should have happened and the world is somehow poorer for it having taken place.