Tag Archives: Ed Harcourt: El Magnifico. Album Review

Ed Harcourt: El Magnifico. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 9/10

To be able to capture the listener’s heart is to feel assured of the time you placed into the art you slaved over, to capture the melancholic essence of the listener’s soul is to be assured of a far higher purpose than you might have expected.

The imagination requires feeding, the stimuli it provides can be an inspiration to those who might find the dark just a little too enticing, and it takes an artist who understands the withering notes of a tortured soul to express them in such a way that they appear magnificent, almost serene, always passionate, and that is certainly the case when it comes to Ed Harcourt, his lyrics, and his particular way of communicating to the listener via instruments that sing fruitfully and in silence bring beauty.