Tag Archives: Dorothy Bird

Dorothy Bird, Belonging. Album Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 9/10

Find someone who thinks deep thoughts and who acts upon them accordingly. Never be fooled by the alure of gold which can tarnish, instead protect, and praise the natural which can blossom and provide instead; and if you must be heartbroken, then let the words of poets and the observations of artists lead you back to a place where you are thankful for the experience offered, and not wallowing in the misery that the committee of offenders hoped for.

Dorothy Bird, Kaleidoscope. Single Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

The patterns may change, the colours remain vibrant, but our daily lives, our hopes and desires are held hostage by the ones who makes the Kaleidoscope turn, and what we are left with is the maze of mirrors that create arrangements by design but never giving the whole picture; like the person who shares only success but never failure, the object is skewed in the favour of the turning and twisting the machine.

Dorothy Bird, Forgot. Single Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating 8.5/10

The start to the Yuletide festivities always seems to appear out of thin air, and all too soon, we are surprised by its return as if we have navigated the year and then Forgot what the end of autumn actually means to the multitude, the sense of hopeful good will, the sound of constant music adding to the excitement. It is that the beautiful and reliable song is a must, regardless of the sentiment, whether or not it fits in with your vision of the time of year, it’s over riding message must be on of peaceful charm and the asking of human understanding.

Dorothy Bird, Under Water. Single Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

There are those fortunate souls to whom the world is a playground of aural stimulation, they are able to hear in the ether a sound denied to others, perhaps intentionally, for surely we are the conduits of our own reception, our internal antennas designed to pick up a signal which will be understood to either mean something personal or be used creatively to inspire others.