Tag Archives: Dominic Rowan

Death Of An Expert Witness. (2023). Television Review.

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating * * * *

Cast: Bertie Carvel, Carlyss Peer, Richard Harrington, Sam Hoare, Margaret Clunie, Deborah Findlay, Dominic Rowan, David Hargreaves, Lara Cohen, Ezra Carlisle, Chris Robinson, Stuart Graham, Perry Millward, Alyth Ross, Carolina Main, Debbie Chazen, Francis Mezza, Conor Hinds, Shanaya Rafaat.

What passes for love can bring a person to their knees, and what love can destroy, so its darker emotional sibling, jealousy, can murder.

Doctor Who, The Burning Prince. Audio Drama Review. Big Finish 165

Liverpool Sound and Vision Rating ****

Cast: Peter Davison, Caroline Langrishe, Clive Mantle, George Rainsford, Dominic Rowan, Derek Hutchinson, Caroline Keiff, Tim Treloar, Kirsty Besterman.

It is unusual to find the fifth Doctor’s incarnation adrift in time and space without any of his much loved companions keeping a watchful eye on him, to bounce their anxieties off him or even just to make sure he stays on the right side of compassion. This latest story from Big Finish, The Burning Prince, sees the fifth Doctor, played by Peter Davison, do exactly that and it is a surprisingly frightening prospect.